Support for the Technical Assistance Programme is to be provided to institutions participating in the implementation of cohesion policy in the 2014-2020 perspective, in preparation for the implementation and monitoring of projects, project management and evaluation of the completed measures.
Other areas of support include information and promotion, as well as creation of thematic networks conducive to exchange of experiences.
The funds of the Programme shall also be used to finance project audits.
Whom are the projects aimed at?
The beneficiaries of the Technical Assistance Programme 2014- 2020 are the following institutions responsible for implementation of European Funds:
- The Ministry of Infrastructure and Development (tasks related to the implementation of cohesion policy),
- The Centre for European Projects (first level controllers in transnational and interregional ETC programmes, unit responsible for the coordination of PIFE, unit responsible for the administration of ENPI),
- The Ministry of Finance (tasks related to the implementation of cohesion policy),
- Units acting as the Intermediate Bodies and Implementing Authorities in national operational programme (with the exception of VLO, acting as the IB of POWER, which shall be financed under POWER Technical Assistance),
- The General Directorate of Environmental Protection (key institution issuing environmental impact assessments),
- The Central Statistical Office (key institution in the area of monitoring cohesion policy),
- The National Council of Water Management (key institution in the field of water management and flood risk management),
- The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (key institution in the area of public aid),
- The Office of Rail Transportation (key institution in the area of rail transport),
- The Public Procurement Office (key institution in the area of public procurement control),
- The Ministry of Administration and Digitization (key institution in the field of digitization),
- National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.